Relies on fighters in order to deal shield damage.Fighters have less health than the Nixesion.Extremely large and easy to hit, especially from underneath or behind it.Capable of soloing most Dreadnoughts, including the Catalyst.Absolutely monstrous explosion damage makes it on par for nuking compared to the Nyx.Massive Hull damage(for a carrier) makes it able to shred hull-based ships such as the Armageddon and Slipstream.Very high numbers of powerful Fighters.Armed with a decent arsenal of Turrets.What few decorations exist are limited to the pilot seat room, which has a large Yellow orb and a throne-like pilot's seat with a simple control board. The interior of the Borealis is taken up almost entirely by the fighter bay. The Borealis is currently the only build-menu ship to have once been classified as an advanced ship.